Core Competencies
As a certified IT Process Manager (CCI) and based on my extensive experience in a variety of specialty areas, I can offer you high-quality, customer-oriented implementation of all measures necessary for cost efficient and timely adaptation of software and documentation in accordance with your specific requirements.
An important part of my extensive experience includes the expertise in industry tools, such as:
- Adobe Acrobat®
- Adobe FrameMaker®
- Alchemy CATALYST™
- Microsoft® HTML Help Workshop
- Microsoft® Visual SourceSafe
- Microsoft® Visual Studio®
- Quadralay WebWorks® Publisher
- TRADOS® TM Translation Solutions
An in-depth knowledge of the English, German and Italian languages allows the communication with international customers without friction losses.
An international network of experts and partners from the following areas of expertise
- Software Development
- Technical Documentation
- Translation
- Proof reading
ensures that your requirements will be met to your complete satisfaction.
How everything started...